Calling all men! Have you ever wondered what the Bible says about Elders and Leaders and the responsibility that they have as overseers of the church? Are you interested in learning more about being an Elder? If so, please consider joining us for a 1-day seminar:
When- Saturday, February 8th, from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Where- Fellowship Hall
What- Teaching on a Biblical perspective on God’s plan for leading the church. We will use the Bible as our principal text. However, we will also lean on a book and workbook called Elders and Leaders by Gene A. Getz.
Who- Any men interested in learning more about what the Bible teaches regarding Elders and Leaders?
Why- The more we all understand what the Bible says about leadership, the better we are able to support our Elders and discern Biblically leadership.
Lunch- Included.
Please register below so that we may order enough workbooks.