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Kindness is in your Blood_356001-10_Kindness is in your Blood_Twitter_2-AR.png

Legacy Christian Church
Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 2025 from 1 pm - 6 pm
Worship Center
Sign up for an appointment to donate at and enter sponsor code LegacyCC in the top right corner of the page under “Find a Blood Drive” or scan the QR code below.

Save time and use RapidPass. Visit for more info.
Tips for a successful donation: (1) Eat a good breakfast or lunch before donating blood, (2) Drink extra water before donating blood, (3) Eat foods rich in iron (red meat, fish, poultry, prunes, raisins, green leafy veggies, beans, etc).

**Please remember to bring your photo ID!**


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