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This Coming Sunday: Oct. 20, 2024

Brothers and Sisters:


We continue our sermon series “Joy in the Jailhouse” by focusing on Philippians 3: 12-16.  Professor Wye Huxford will lead the message focusing on the need for believers to “press on”.  To put this passage in context, we know that the Apostle Paul is writing this letter from a jail cell in Rome. This is a letter of encouragement and thankfulness to the church in Philippi.  Paul had every reason to lose hope and be discouraged.  Yet, he viewed his imprisonment as an opportunity to spread the gospel to the people in Rome.  This mindset by Paul was an encouragement to other believers who were emboldened by Paul’s example. In chapter 3, Paul warns the church against false prophets and those who put their confidence in the flesh.  It is at this point in the letter that Paul makes a personal statement of faith. “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (verse 14).  This is a great reminder to the church in Philippi and to us as believers. We cannot lose sight of our goal.  It is easy to feel overwhelmed by our circumstances.  It is easy to become discouraged.  It is easy to feel insignificant.  It is easy to feel unqualified for the task at hand.  Paul says, press on! Let us follow this example and be an encouragement to one another as we press on together towards the higher calling that God has for us in Jesus Christ.  


Blessings from the Elders of Legacy Christian Church

Order of Worship

Opening Songs of Praise


Welcome & Announcements


Songs of Praise


Communion Mediation




Pastoral Prayer




Songs of Response


Offering & Benediction

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